What a great time of year to go to the beach. The weather was still nice - cool at night - but because it was the off season, it was not nearly as busy! The resturaunts had no lines, the beach had pleanty of room, and even our condo was nice and quiet without any neighbors!!
We stayed for a week, went to a bunch of neat places to eat - Cheesburger in Paradise, Margaritaville, Hard Rock, Umbertos (a Pittsburgh owner), Giant Crab (seafood buffet). I loved going to Boardwalk at the Beach and shopping and we loved the Ripleys Aquarium. AND, while Caitlyn was napping, I actually got some video work done while we were there - not much, but some!! This place was great for a young family! Enjoy the photos!!
Benjamin at Margaritaville
Benjamin and Caitlyn at East of Chicago - kinda like Chuch E Cheese
My happy little Family on Caitlyn's Birthday!