This last minute affair took us to St James Church in Wilkinsburg for the wedding of Hilary and Adam. Hilary contacted us on Tuesday before, and thankfully we were available! We showed up and set all the cameras up (thanks to the help of the Father that married them, and his suggestions on placement), and then we did some shots of the groom and his groomsmen.

I met for the first time, Tiffany Kramer, their wedding planner. There were a few glitches in the plans and Tiffany was handling them wonderfully. Transportation ended up bringing the guests almost 45 minutes late for the ceremony, so obviously, things got pushed back a little. But no panic, it was handled, and the wedding went on.

Hilary showed up right behind the busses and the second she stepped out of the lime, there was a glow of beauty around us. She looked absolutely amazing! She walked down the aisle almost immediately after her arrival to meet her groom, Adam.

The ceremony went off without a hitch! I hung around for some of their formal photos, but this was a Ceremony Only package. I also had the pleasure to meet Liz and Jenn Bartos, and they were great to work with.