Well, this spring is starting to die down when it comes to weddings. Thankfully, I mailed out a package to Ashley and Tom yesterday with their wedding DVD's. I have started to set goals as to when I will mail out final videos, and I will be sticking to those goals. So for the brides out there waiting... things will be moving a little faster now! The next 2 are set to go out next Friday.
Its been difficult balancing being a stay-at-home-mom with a new business owner, but I have found a few happy mediums to handle the work load. I'll have a babysitter 2-3 days a week sit with the kids while I work, and have 3 evenings (minimum) set aside to edit. I love spending time on this part and through experience, I am learning to shoot to edit... meaning cutting out the "junk" that won't be used.
I'd say overall, this spring has gone fantastic!! Thanks again to all the wonderful people we have had the pleasure to work with!! Gotta cut this post short to head to Krystin and Jason's wedding! Packing the car now!!