Friday, November 13, 2009

David and Meghan - October 10th, 2009

David and Meghan were married at the gorgeous Heinz Chapel on a beautiful day in fall. The temperatures were a bit brisk, but its okay, its fall in Pittsburgh! I had the honor of working with Autumn from Skysight Photography... and what a great time I had!

After the ceremony and photo session, we headed over to the Circuit Center on the South Side, where I ran (yes, ran, traffic was nuts and I was running behind) in to say hello to a DJ friend, Eric Schiemer from Schiemer Entertainment. The evening went off without a hitch and the day was amazing. Congrats to my "Cinderella" bride and groom. (Every once in a while, I give my brides and grooms titles - and this one is so fitting... every hair was perfectly in place, her gown was stunning and after they bustled her dress, wow, she just looked like Cinderella straight out of the movie. By far my favorite bustle of the year)

Here is their pre ceremony montage:

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