Friday, October 16, 2009

The Ultimate Compliment

So... one of our past brides was celebrating their 2 year anniversary this past week, as her mother pointed out on FaceBook. Christy and Chris. This couple was absolutely... well FANTASTIC! We had a great time with them that day, and have seen them a few times since then at their friend's weddings. So, I wished them well on FaceBook early in the day, and came back in the evening to this comment:
Wow... this, folks, is why we do what we do. They took the time out on their actual anniversary, after a nice dinner complete with wine testing and flowers (good job Chris), to watch the DVD that we created to capture their memories on their wedding day! Thank again for everything Chris and Christy... wishing you MANY MANY more happy years... and I think your mom mentioned something about grandkids Christy! ;)

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