Monday, January 28, 2008

Attn: 2008 Brides - Pre-Wedding Interviews

I am posting this here first, and will sent emails shortly to those who are affected. We are now setting up dates for the 2008 Pre-Wedding Interviews. There are several brides who have included these in their packages, so we are trying to stay organized. The dates are marked on our Availability Calendar, and are all on Sundays. If Sunday don't work for your schedule, no problem... we'll work to find a day that works for you. The scheduling of these is first come, first serve, so those who are out of town, should contact me ASAP.

Depending on location, I may be able to do more than on per day, so just let me know which date you'd like and we'll work to schedule a time. I request that you schedule AT LEAST 1 month before your wedding, but no more than 3 months early. As always, Contact US with any questions or if you'd like to add this to your package.

I am looking forward to shooting these interviews and trying new things with new faces! See you all very soon!